As one of the leading companies in the quick-service restaurant sector in Türkiye and globally, we are aware that the concept of sustainability has a significant impact on food and agriculture. On the journey to becoming a sustainable company, we continue our activities with a responsible production and service approach. Guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and inspired by best practices on a global scale, we have completed the development of our sustainability strategy. At TAB Gıda, we have identified sustainability-related priority topics that will create the greatest impact and value for our internal and external stakeholders on this journey. While prioritizing social, environmental, and governance issues, we have included our stakeholders in this development and transformation process.
After determining our potential priority topics, we conducted a survey with internal and external stakeholders. Based on the results of our prioritization analysis, we categorized the 10 identified priority topics under the headings of "Food" "Planet" and "People" and developed our sustainability strategy accordingly.